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The water conveyor calculator as an app

The water conveyor calculator is intended to support fire brigade in the run-up to a deployment or in training planning. The water conveyor calculator makes it easier to calculate. Leave the time-consuming calculation with the reading board behind and waste no more time here.

Data suitable for use with the water conveyor calculator in minutes

In addition to recording the basic data, it is possible to distinguish the distance traveled with differences in height.

Water promotion calculator based on standards 14 530 & A4 14 565

The standards are based on fire-fighting vehicles and therefore form the basis for existing pump and hose material. Determine what may be needed in terms of strength and resources.

Getting to know opportunities and challenges

Operating the app and setting up the application plan may identify vulnerabilities that need to be avoided in the event of use, as they cost valuable time. How much hose material and how many pumps are needed to get from the water filling point to the highest house in the village, the answer to this question must be clear before the emergency occurs. This app will provide you with a meaningful help in planning.

Entwickler: Frank Ballmeyer
Preis: 1,09 €
  • Wasserförderungs-Rechner Screenshot
  • Wasserförderungs-Rechner Screenshot
Entwickler: Frank Ballmeyer
Preis: 0,79 €
  • Wasserförderungs-Rechner Screenshot
  • Wasserförderungs-Rechner Screenshot